Ride & SING and Record in the, “KaraokeKAR” IN NASHVILLE, Tennessee!
KaraokeKAR is Nashville’s premier mobile recording studio at your disposal for amateur’s and professionals. You can choose Lyrics, Karaoke format or bring your own original music.
You will be provided up to six wireless mics and 3 monitors for karaoke or to view lyrics. The music is mixed with voice through out the mobile studio.
Afterwards you can choose a private or public video recording of your experience!
Ride, Sing, Tour! The KaraokeKAR is one of the greatest EXPERIENCES in NASHVILLE, Tennessee!
Watch and Listen to Grammy Nominated Pop recording artist “Major” his crew and I sing, “I LOVE THIS KAR” a prodigy of, “I love this Bar” by Toby Keith !
Major Sings my theme song, “I Love This KAR”! Click on the Image to watch and listen on YOUTUBE.
B BOOK NOW with your Debit or Credit Card. Choose the Date and of time of day for pickup.
Please, “Subscribe” to our channel on, YOUTUBE. “KaraokeKAR” We are seeking 1000 Pioneer Subscribers!